Our Impact


We helped children by providing couples’ therapy, mediation, children’s mentoring and groups for parents.

These helped improve existing relationships or helped people to build new ones.


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58 parents were helped to make plans about children or money.

76% of the people we helped reached their own agreement, helping avoid more stressful and painful conflict (that could damage children) and potentially long and costly court battles.

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18 children in care were helped by a trusted adult mentor.

100% of these children gained a trusted friend/adult. The majority of our work was done digitally, with walk and talks for some young people.

We started to offer therapy for children and therapeutic work for whole families via five trainees. We will report on reach and outcomes next year.


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94 parenting couples built better relationships.

This work stood to benefit 222 children. In our Moving On project, around 66% of parents had less conflict after our help.

31 Children and families had adult mentors that helped them built new friendships and cope through Covid.

Our usual work to help people build new friendships tended to be replaced by helping people to cope with the emotional and practical difficulties arising from Covid. We continued t help people to cope with trauma they had experienced in their life.

We funded a new therapeutic fostering training programme that care experienced young people and foster parents helped design

  • This focused on helping potential foster parents develop the skills they needed to be excellent foster parents
  • Feedback from the first programme was excellent
  • Both couples who attended the pilot are hoping their applications to become foster parents are approved in 2021

We supported other agencies to give more or better support to couples

The Healthy Relationships Partnership we founded finished its first five year phase and transformed into a new Relationships Matter in Schools partnership to hone in on supporting schools rather than the whole early help system. The last year focused on making sure the learning from the project had good chances of sticking and ensuring learning was shared more widely.