Large Conference Room

Practice Celebration Event

28 October 2019

Our Practice Celebration Event was held at CECA on October 23rd. Celebrating the work done by practitioners in Hartlepool to strengthen parental relationships and improving children’s lives by supporting couples to recognise and to address destructive parental conflict. We ran 5 workshops throughout the morning:

Family Mediation- Finding a Way forward after the pain of separation. View the PDF presentation

What can we learn from specialist services in this area and how can practitioners working in universal or early help services support families to access and to make best use of these interventions?

Hartlepool 0-19 Service: ‘Working with the couple relationship is part of our role’- Sallie Ivison and Kay Piper shared how Health Visitors working within the 0-10 service are talking to parents about the quality of their relationship and the tools and resources they are using.

Asking about the quality of the parental relationship-opening a can of worms?

Amy Allen, Family Support Practitioner and Tracy Richardson, Locality Manager at Hartlepool Borough Council: How practice in the Locality Teams Early help service is developing to respond to the reducing parental conflict agenda, illustrated by a case study and reflections on the learner journey.

Attended today, forgotten tomorrow: Is training a waste of time? View the PDF presentation

Research and Development Lead Katie Cramphorn shared lessons learned from the Healthy Relationships Partnership’s evaluation of workforce development in Hartlepool to understand “Does training make a difference to practice?” The workshop explored how we learn and look at practical suggestions based on practitioner feedback for how the workforce can be supported to use their learning once they leave the training room.

Things you want to know about how our school system supports children experiencing destructive parental conflict-but were afraid to ask! View the PDF presentation

How Schools in Hartlepool can respond to the Reducing Parental Conflict Agenda:  Case studies from Diane Carr, Sue Later and Claire Willis illustrated how having helpful conversations about the quality of parental relationships is supporting children in their schools.


The main event presentation PDF can be viewed here



In the afternoon we were pleased to have Clare Joyce with us as the Level 4 learners were presented with certificates for their recently completed qualifications.


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