Why Foster?


There’s loads of things people can get out of fostering that give them joy, happiness, satisfaction and a sense of growth and achievement.


Three of these are:


You will try your best to help children because you take joy in seeing them achieve their dreams.

There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a young person develop their self-belief, set goals and achieve them. The joy and happiness they experience as they learn new skills and grow in confidence will support you through the worthwhile challenge of fostering.

You enjoy developing skills, achieving goals, and might want an alternative ‘career’ for life (or a part of your life)

Fostering is professional parenting. As a super parent, you’ll develop your skills and talents through the therapeutic training and other training that we offer. Sometimes this will be instead of a ‘normal career’. You will learn far more about yourself and other people by fostering than you will in almost any other walk of life. You’ll understand how children and how adults think and behave, why, and how best to help and support them. Over time, you might want to develop your skills through higher level training. You might want to learn enough to foster children who have been failed by the system and haven’t been able to find a stable foster home. These might be children who risk going into residential care, even though that might not be the best thing for them.

Fostering can give you a good income that reflects the skills and commitment you need to be a super parent.

This can go up as you develop your skills and experience and offer highly specialist fostering placements.



After reading this if you feel it’s something that you could do, we would love to hear from you. We know fostering is rewarding and can change the lives of children, young people and the people who look after them.

Ring us today and we will support you in starting your fostering journey with an informal chat and the opportunity to ask plenty of questions.